


Its all about finding the perfect match. 

In no time.

3Base is Israel’s leading boutique technology company. Our team consists of highly-skilled creative female software developers specializing in a wide range of high-end technologies.

Software Development

3Base implements a variety of scalable software solutions, tailored to the exact needs of your company. We specialize in end to end web solutions for both Israeli and international customers, training and recruiting experts in the specific technologies that your business needs. 3Base offers professional, efficient and strategic backing throughout the development process and ongoing support, delivery and beyond.



Software Deployment

Our Software Deployment Department consists of a highly committed staff of female expert developers. The department provides clients with end-to-end delivery and our work process leads to efficient, timely results. Our developers are designed to work on multiple projects at once, enabling them to master various topics and fields in a short time.




Our team finds out exactly what your business needs 


We build a profile of the professional skills required for your project to succeed


3base locates, interviews and recruits an expert team to develop the specific capabilities you require

Set up

We set up an on site, near-site or offshore presence to maximize efficiency

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